Das Line-Up des 2. Vienna Yoga Festivals

Unser Ziel bei der Auswahl des Line-Ups war neben Qualität auch einen möglichst abwechslungsreichen Mix an Yogastilen, kulturellen Backgrounds und Schwerpunkten zu bieten. Wir freuen uns sehr, all diese wunderbaren Yogalehrenden im März 2024 in Wien begrüßen zu dürfen! Euch erwartet eine bunte Mischung an Yogastilen: Vinyasa Flow in unterschiedlichsten Interpretationen, Afro Latin Flow (mit Live Musik), Inside Flow, Jivamukti Yoga, Yin Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Yoga & Physio, Inversion Workshops uvm…

Matt Giordano

Matt Giordano gives credit to an influential figure from his teenage years – his high school art teacher – for sparking within him the curiosity and tenacity that eventually led him to yoga.

That inquisitive and unrelenting spirit laid the foundation for Matt to begin a devoted yoga practice. When coupled with his passion to understand the physics and subtle alignment of the body, Matt’s dharma as a teacher came into focus.

In 2016, Matt created and founded an international school of yoga that focuses on community, growth and authentic teaching, and he hosts trainings each year out of his home in northwest Connecticut.

(Matt is teaching in English)

mathieu boldron vienna yoga festival

Mathieu Boldron

Mathieu has taken over 3,000 hours of yoga teacher training from master teachers all over the world and remains a student for life. He has taught over 45 YTT's globally. His trainings have evolved with him over time, but have common threads emphasizing yoga philosophy, breath work, sound healing, anatomy and FUN. Mathieu has dedicated his entire life to the practice of yoga.

Teaching yoga is his dharma and life's work.

(Mathieu is teaching in English)

celest pereira vienna yoga festival

Celest Pereira

Celests biggest passion has been the human body since she was little. When she grew up she trained as a physio and have been passionately teaching optimal movement for 11 years. More recently I started studying neurology through Z-Health Performance, a company that teaches brain-based performance solutions. Backed by science and jam-packed with education, my classes and workshops are challenging but having fun is a major priority.

(Celest is teaching in English)

Joa Gomez

Joa is an International yoga teacher (E-500RYT) and started his movement journey through athletics at age 7, a passion that continued over a decade competing nationally in Spain. His curiosity for self-exploration led him to Nepal & India on several trips where he studied with great teachers learning the tradition of Ashtanga, Vinyasa & Hatha Yoga. His fascination with human movement led him to train in Animal Flow, Primal Movement, Mobility, and the Ido Portal Method.

Joa believes strongly in the power of the mind, and how one perceives the world is a conscious decision. “Everything, and anything is possible, you just need to be willing to make it happen”

(Joa is teaching in English)

Maëva Boldron

Maëva Boldron was born in Paris, France. She discovered yoga at the age of 17 as she was dancing in Paris and soon after in very vibrant New York City where she moved to study Ballet and Modern dance at the prestigious Alvin Ailey School. Initially yoga was a way to rebalance her body and cross-train for her health. But very soon, deeper layers emerged. 

As she was pursuing a dance career, yoga  became a way to deeply listen to herself, to find peace within chaos, and to rise from dark times to light with the help of her mentors and teachers (Mathieu Boldron, Dharma Mittra, Jared McCann, and more). As her perspectives deepened, she decided to follow her brother, Mathieu, on a yogic journey and got her first certification 200RYT in Ashtanga-Vinyasa in Thailand in 2017 followed in 2019 by her 300RTY in Vinyasa and Yin in Sri Lanka. 

Teaching in Paris and abroad, in festivals and workshops, Yoga Teacher Trainings, Maëva is known for her fluid and intricate way of sharing the practice. Continuously feeding and expanding her knowledge Maëva is still developing her movement and dance research.

(Maëva is teachin in English)

hie kim vienna yoga festival

Hie Kim

Hie Kim ist einer der Hauptausbilder des legendären Inside Yoga Studios, das an mehr als acht Standorten ausbildet. Jedes Jahr unterrichtet er hunderte von Yogalehrern und ist auf den großen Yogabühnen des deutschsprachigen und asiatischen Raumes bekannt. Sein Yogaunterricht orientiert sich sehr stark an den Schülern, die sich in seinem Yogaraum wiederfinden. Diesen reaktiven Unterrichtsstil gibt er in seiner 50h Fortbildung “Echo Sequencing” an andere Lehrer weiter. Mit seiner didaktischen Fähigkeit und seinem einfühlsamen, humorvollen Charakter gelingt es ihm, seine Yogaschüler körperlich, mental und emotional abzuholen und mit durchdachten Stunden zu begeistern.

(Hie unterrichtet auf Deutsch)

Jazz Sanchez

Die Lateinamerikanerin hat ihr Leidenschaft für Yoga vor mehr als 11 Jahre für sich entdeckt. Neben Vinyasa Flow, Relax-Yoga, und Hatha Yoga unterrichtet sie auch spezielle Klassen für Schwangere und gründete ihren eigenen Yoga-Stil: „AFRO LATIN YOGA FLOW“. Dieser basiert auf einer Mischung aus afrikanischen Tanzbewegungen, lateinamerikanischem Rhythmen und live Musik. Erlebe eine Stunde voller Energie & Lebensfreude!

(Jazz is teaching in English)


Anna Herz

Anna ist Yogalehrerin und Inside Flow Senior Teacher aus Frankfurt. Ihre Yogastunden kommen direkt aus dem Herzen – sie leitet dich sanft durch dynamische Flows, die dich ganz sensibel in deinen Körper hineinspüren lassen, deine Herzfrequenz auf den Beat der Musik eintunen und Körpergefühl, Gedankenwelt und Emotion zusammenbringen. Ihre Intention ist es, dir zu helfen, die Verbindung zu deinem Körper zu vertiefen und Gefühle in Bewegung auszudrücken.

(Anna unterrichtet auf Deutsch)

Kate Chapman

Kates path to becoming a yoga teacher was a soul-stirring odyssey. From a complicated past, she yearned for serenity. Yoga became her refuge, igniting a profound passion. With unwavering determination, she embarked on a transformative quest. She dove deep into asanas, pranayama, and philosophy. Countless early mornings on the mat, and hours of intense training, sculpted her into a beacon of mindfulness and strength.

After years of growth, she earned her yoga teacher certification, but her journey was far from over. As an instructor, Kate touched lives, helping others discover their inner peace and strength. Her story radiates hope, reminding us that with dedication, anyone can find their true calling and inspire others to do the same.

(Kate is teaching in English)

Lenka Minarik

Lenka Minarik is a yoga teacher based in Vienna, Austria who has made the transition from a successful scientific career to teaching and sharing yoga in classes settings online and in-person and teaching teacher trainings to current or future yoga teachers. After working for over a decade in medical science, Lenka felt that she was not able to make a direct impact on people’s lives in the way she wanted to. She yearned for a more fulfilling career that allowed her to connect with others on a deeper level. Lenka’s teaching style is based on her profound understanding of anatomy and alignment cues, which allows her to guide her students to find strength and stability and push their mobility in a safe and effective way, while honoring the yoga tradition.

(Lenka is teaching in English)

manuel neumann vienna yoga festival

Manuel Neumann

Manuel lebt und liebt es, seine Leidenschaft für Yoga mit anderen Menschen zu teilen. In seinen energiegeladenen Stunden treffen kreatives Sequenzing und funktionales Alignment auf viel Einfühlungsvermögen. Durch seine ruhige Art trägt Manuel durch die selbst anspruchsvollsten und forderndsten Passagen und schafft so mühelos den Übergang von körperlichem Training zur bewegten Meditation. Körper, Gedanken und Gefühle werden wieder eins und es entsteht ein harmonischer Zustand von Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit.

(Manuel unterrichtet auf Deutsch)